Peaceful Solutions Massage & Bodywork

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Mercier Therapy for Reproductive Health

What is Mercier Therapy?


Mercier therapy is a soft tissue visceral manipulative therapy technique used to help restore the health and general well-being within the female pelvis and abdominal viscera.

This gentle and non-invasive technique was created to help you to reconnect to your own wellness and to allow your pelvis and abdomen, a highly emotional space, to re-open to healing and balance.

It is done over a period of 6 weeks with 6 individual sessions at 60 minutes per session. This visceral manipulative technique is done abdominally and requires NO vaginal work.


Mercier Therapy may help with the following:

  • Natural fertility preparation or to complement IVF, IUI, etc.
  • Regulate menstrual cycle and ovulation.
  • Increases uterine blood flow and lining.
  • Improves the success of IVF, IUI and other technologies.
  • Postpartum/C-section recovery.
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Pelvic pain
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Pelvic scarring from previous trauma or surgery (laparoscopy, laparotomy, D&C, LEEP, cystocele or rectocele repair)

Prepare or recover from surgery

Depending on the upcoming procedure, Mercier Therapy can be used to help prepare the pelvic organs and surrounding structures for a smoother surgery. And like other post-surgical rehabilitations, Mercier Therapy can assist in reducing internal trauma and scar tissue for a healthier recovery.  Six treatments prior and six treatments post procedure/surgery is the optimal protocol.

Note: You must be 4-6 weeks post-surgical and have clearance from your physician to start the recovery therapy.


Book a Mercier Therapy appointment today by contacting Laurie at 813-406-0679

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